Food Tech News and Reports in China and Asia

Read all about the trends, markets, main brands, latest investments, and innovative products in the food and beverage industry in China and Asia.

why foreign companies fail in China - ZeYuan Consulting

Why Foreign Companies Fail in China

Businesspeople and companies understand the huge business potential China has to offer almost for any product; after all, this is the 2nd largest country regarding GDP, and in certain areas, China is #1 – internet penetration, mobile usage, cashless economy, online shopping, and many more. Still, there are many cases of foreign companies in China that are not successful as

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start your business in China - ZeYuan Consulting

Ten Tips When You Start Your Business in China

NO TIME TO READ? WATCH THE SHORT SLIDESHOW ON LINKEDIN or FACEBOOK I believe you are aware that when you start your business in China, you will face unique business culture and mindset. As a Western guy, it took me many years to learn and adapt to the style and dynamics of the business scenario in China. After 24 years

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